2019 Impact Report

Building a Socially Conscious Animal Community

Our community starts with one – YOU! HSPPR’s mission is a compassionate community where people and animals are cared for and valued. You make it all happen – you write the Happy Tails we tell every day with your generous support. Here is a little slice of what YOU made possible in 2019!

2019 Impact

Adoptions and reunions and saved lives, oh my! See all the numbers behind the magic YOUR kindness created.

Happy Tails

They are not just numbers to us. Every pet that enters our doors is a story. Read some of them here!

Socially Conscious Sheltering

Is there a name for the care your support provides to each and every pet we see on a daily basis? There is now!


Ugh. Budgeting, AmIright? But we try to put the "fun" in "funds" while showing you our responsible spending!